Wednesday 2 May 2012

Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Equipment we used was a computer, tripod, external hard-drive, Panasonic AVCHD Film Camera and a standard recording device for the music.

From using the camera we learnt how to perfect shots and film efficiently whilst under pressure.
Through using premiere I am now a lot more comfortable with the programme and will be able to use it with future projects. Before the preliminary task I had never used adobe premiere before so initially had to come to terms with it. Blogging was not a new experience for me however using blogger was as previously I had used wordpress. I was familiar with youtube, photoshop and soundcloud however and therefore could use these programmes well. Dafont was a website Charlotte introduced to me so I watched and learnt. Audacity was again a new experience for me but I found it very simple and easy to use.

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